The Indochinese Tiger (Panthera tigris corbetti) is more commonly known as the Indochinese, or Malayan tiger, and was recognized as a subspecies as recently as 1968 from a tiger discovered in the vicinity of a coastal town in Central Vietnam. Corbetti is a smaller, darker, and less boldly striped tiger than the Bengal subspecies found in India. Males can reach a length of 9 feet and may obtain weights in excess of 400 pounds. Female Indochinese Tigers like other female tiger subspecies, are smaller then their male counterparts. Females achieve a head to tail length of eight feet and weigh approximately 250 pounds.
The Indochinese Tiger (Panthera tigris corbetti) is more commonly known as the Indochinese, or Malayan tiger, and was recognized as a subspecies as recently as 1968 from a tiger discovered in the vicinity of a coastal town in Central Vietnam. Corbetti is a smaller, darker, and less boldly striped tiger than the Bengal subspecies found in India. Males can reach a length of 9 feet and may obtain weights in excess of 400 pounds. Female Indochinese Tigers like other female tiger subspecies, are smaller then their male counterparts. Females achieve a head to tail length of eight feet and weigh approximately 250 pounds.
The largest wild populations of Indochinese Tigers now live in Thailand. They also inhabit southern China, Myanmar (Burma), Malaysia, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam. Within this range, corbetti inhabits the remote forests hills and mountainous terrain of the region. Much of this terrain lies between the borders of multiple countries with extremely limited access. Due to the restricted status of these areas, biologists have only recently been granted permits to study this rare feline in the field. As a result, very little is known about the status of this subspecies and its behaviors in the wild.
The Indochinese tiger needs protection in order to survive and continued implementation of sound conservation efforts to save the species from becoming extinct in the wild. Let us all hope that the various captive management programs are successful in their attempts to save this unique subspecies of tiger. Without human intervention and global protection, the Indochinese Tiger will surely become extinct.
Scientific Name: Panthera tigris corbetti
Range: Southern China, Myanmar (Burma), Malaysia, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam.
Average Weight:
Female: 100kg - 130kg (221 - 287 pounds)
Male: 150kg - 195kg (330- 430 pounds)
Size (Length):
Female: 2.31m-2.64m (7'-7"- 8'-8")
Male: 2.57m-2.84m (8-5"- 9'-4")
Diet: All tigers are carnivorous. Indochinese tiger's prey consists mostly of antelope, wild boar, wild pigs, and a variety of other hooved mammals indigenous to their territory areas.
Gestation Period: 100-119 Days (Averaging 103 Days)
Cub Maturity: 18 months - 2 Years
Cubs Per Litter: (Usually 2-3 cubs) Cubs are born blind and weigh 2-3 pounds. 18-26 month intervals.
Lifespan: 14-16 Years
Predators: Man
Social Structure: Solitary, except during mating season. Male territory may sometimes overlap.
Territory Size: 257km (160 miles)
Population (Wild): 1,000 - 1,800
Captive (SSP): 50-70 in Zoos worldwide
Conservation Status: CITES Appendix 1. (All wildcats are listed on CITES Appendix I or II).
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